The Three Classes of Pro-androgenic Herbs | RAW Forest Foods

 The Three Classes of Pro-androgenic Herbs | RAW Forest Foods

The androgenic approach both encompasses therapeutic pro-androgenic herbs  lifestyle modifications (more on this later). And while the approach does breach the levy of simply taking something—whether that be pro-androgenic herbs, other nutritional and dietary supplements, and even pharmaceutical approaches and interventions—this article will focus on the Pro-androgenic herbs.

The Androgenic Approach

  In short, the androgenic approach is a lifestyle focused on reclaiming, on redefining, and on seeking balance. It is an approach to living where—not finding—but recognizing and nurturing health, wellness, and vitality becomes the top priority. A focus seemingly at odds and diametrically opposed to a culture and society that discourages these very qualities: Health, wellness, and vitality.

What Is the Androgenic Approach?

Taking the androgenic approach is building a lifestyle focused on health, wellness, and vitality, and more specifically, an approach and focus on living which maximizes the androgenic hormones—a shorthand way of speaking about male health (physical, mental, spiritual). The androgenic approach is not ignoring all other aspects of the male experience, but rather it is tying all those aspects together into a unified whole.

The Internals

The internals are those tangible things which are consumed for their specific pro-androgenic properties (ie: herbs, supplements, and for some, pharmaceutical interventions).

The Internals are, for most, the easiest of the approaches. In fact, many can be purchased right here. They are tangible. You need only take them. And yet they are just one element of the androgenic approach. 

The Physicals

The Physicals are those things focused on the physical needs and requirements of the body. These are different from the internals because the internals are taken solely for their pro-androgenic properties, while the physicals are necessary in just meeting the biological needs of living.

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