6 Proven Health and Fitness Benefits of Using Pine Pollen Supplements | RAW Forest Foods


6 Proven Health and Fitness Benefits of Using Pine Pollen Supplements

Whether you’re a serious gym enthusiast, a weekend warrior or you just want to look after yourself, pine pollen can do wonders for your health and fitness. This natural superfood is loaded with a plethora of powerful nutrients which support overall wellness and can help improve your performance before, during and after a challenging workout.

If you’re interested in maximising your health with a tiny, hassle-free addition to your daily routine, here are 6 amazing benefits of pine pollen supplements.

1. Increases testosterone levels to prevent disease

Pine pollen contains phyto-androgens in the form of androsterone, androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and adaptogenic compounds gibberellins and brassinosteroids which all enhance the male sex hormones. These incredible elements work together to raise testosterone levels and correct estrogen to testosterone ratios in both men and women.

2. Nutritionally-dense for a healthy body and mind

One of the primary benefits of pine pollen supplements is how nutritionally dense they are. The amazing superfood contains 200 bio-active vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, coenzymes and antioxidants. While all RAW pollens are excellent sources of nutrition, pine pollen boasts more than double the quantity of many nutrients needed for building and maintaining a healthy mind and body.

3. Natural pre-workout energy booster

Instead of drinking a pre-workout protein smoothie, try a pine pollen supplement for an immediate energy boost. Many of us suffer from low energy levels caused by a hormonal imbalance. No amount of protein shakes will help you overcome that.

4. Powerful anti-inflammatory to speed up post-workout recovery

Many anti-inflammatory compounds are contained within pine pollen. Not only can these compounds help combat and treat chronic inflammatory disorders, such as arthritis, but they also provide quick relief from everyday stress and muscle ache.

5. Loaded with antioxidants for optimum health

Another benefit of pine pollen supplements is that the superfood is loaded with potent antioxidants. These elements slow down and stop the damage to your cells caused by free radical molecules, which can cause all kinds of problems to your heart, liver and brain.

6. Supports healthy weight loss

Pine pollen is an excellent supplement for people who want to lose excess weight or maintain a healthy weight. By increasing DHEA levels, pine pollen speeds up the metabolism, helping your body use the calories you consume more quickly and efficiently.


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