
COVID-19 and Vitamin D: Does the Evidence Support Supplementation for Preventing and Fighting Infection?

  COVID-19 and Vitamin D: Does the Evidence Support Supplementation for Preventing and Fighting Infection? There is a flood of information, misinformation, interpretation, and misinterpretation. As a result, it is difficult for any of us to determine which information is accurate and which of that is applicable to us. By its very nature, a pandemic is dynamic and confusing. Remember when we were unsure whether or not to sanitize groceries as they came into the house?  A Quick Overview of Viruses, Coronaviruses, and SARS-CoV-2 At its most basic, a virus is a tiny parasite. Within microbiology, there is even debate as to whether a virus is even a living organism, with the consensus trending toward no. Viruses are composed of either DNA or RNA surrounded by a shell of protein (it is this protein shell which earns coronaviruses their name). Viruses divide only inside the living cells of an organism. They have no capacity to reproduce outside of a host. Viruses can infect humans, animals, p

Upgraded Tongkat Ali Extract Capsules | RAW Forest Foods

Upgraded Tongkat Ali Extract Capsules Much More Than "The Original Indonesian Aphrodisiac" Over the years—through our website and through our Amazon store—our   Tongkat Ali Extract Capsules  are consistently one of our top selling products. And for good reason: Not only is Tongkat Ali an outstanding pro-androgenic herb, but the Tongkat Ali that goes into our products (either our bulk powder pouches or our extract capsules) is always of the highest quality and integrity. We've long been proponents of using a broad, full spectrum Tongkat Ali Extract. This is because Tongkat Ali is much more than "The Original Indonesian Aphrodisiac." There are roughly 65 identified therapeutic compounds present in Tongkat Ali, not just the single isolate of Eurycomanone, that compound which is understood to responsible for Tongkat Ali's pro-androgenic, testosterone promoting properties. Focusing solely on whether or not Tongkat Ali can increase testosterone and focusing solely

Medicinal Mushroom Benefits For Health

    About Medicinal Mushrooms The Fusion of Tradition, Herbal Medicine, Restorative Alimentation, and Contemporary Science                                Crawl the Sapience of the Forest: Organic and Wild-Harvested Medicinal Mushrooms. Expertly prepared, potent, and yare-to-use medicinal mushroom extracts. Mushrooms and fungi induce a certain amount of for lack of better word awe. That is, without acknowledging their medicinal and therapeutic properties, benefits, and uses, when we are in the presence of them in the wild, they instill upon us a sense of reverence. This reverence is akin to gazing upward at the night welkin and is felt whether we're transpiring upon a wild Reishi while on a hike, a nighttime path bordered with phosphorescence fungi, and when merely visually examining lawn mushrooms appear and vanish with what seems to be an otherworldly agenda.  Our expertly prepared products are all yare-to-use by you. they seem to become even more otherworldly—and that's when


EXPLAINED ALCOHOL POWDERED EXTRACTS Producing Ethanol (Alcohol) Powdered Extracts With powdered extracts, the vast majority of herbs (referring here to medicinal plants, fungi, and other substances) are produced using a method called a hot water extract (read our page on this process here). However, for some specific applications, a second method is utilized to produce powdered extracts—ethanol (alcohol) extracts. This is very similar process as a hot water extraction, but with an ethanol extract, the two distinct extraction processes happen almost in reverse. Similar to hot water powdered extracts, when extracting using ethanol as the primary substrate, all soluble compounds are captured. An ethanol powdered extract is used when those targeted compounds are more readily dissolved in ethanol (over water). For instance, while the polysaccharides present in Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) are more readily extracted using the hot water process, the equally important triterpenes in Reishi are m

Reishi Mushroom Buddha Blend | RAW Forest Foods

 Reishi Mushroom Buddha Blend RAW Reishi Spores and Extract Reishi Buddha Blend Powder Regarded by ancient herbalists as the “mushroom of immortality,” modern herbalists love reishi for its powerful adaptogenic qualities. The Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum, is potentially the oldest and most revered medicinal herb used in traditional forms of Chinese, Eastern, and indigenous medicines throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The Chinese name for Reishi, Lingzhi, translates and alludes to “supernatural mushroom” and “wonder mushroom,” giving us pause to ponder both the deep reverence for Reishi and the potential benefits it has to offer. Reishi is used to support the immune system, relieve stress, strengthen the spirit, calm the mind and promote peaceful sleep. In addition, Reishi is used to promote longevity, as a general health tonic, as well as to develop and enhance spiritual awareness and well being. Where to Buy Reishi Buddha Blend Extract Powder? RAW Forest Foods offers bulk, 70 g

Is Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) Anti-Androgenic | RAW Forest Foods

 Is Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) Anti-Androgenic? Reishi, Androgens, & 5 Alpha-R edutase Reishi ( Ganoderma lucidum) is regarded as one of the most important tonic herbs known. Throughout history as well as today. Reishi is also one of my personal favorite herbs: everything from its lore, to its beauty, to its medicinal and tonic effects, completely and utterly captivates me. There is magic in mushrooms, and there is a lot of magic in Reishi. Sometimes people are confused that at RAW Forest Foods we carry Reishi. This is because Reishi has been shown (Silvia, 2003)(Liu, 2007)(Liu, 2009) to have an anti-androgenic effect and RAW Forest Foods specializes in androgenic herbs. So at first glance there appears to be a discrepancy. There are truths here: Clinical analysis of Ganoderma lucidum has demonstrated time-and-time again an anti-androgenic effect and RAW Forest Foods does specialize in androgenic herbs. However, there is no actual discrepancy. The issue is that in this case the ter

Reasons Why RAW Pine Pollen is Safe | RAW Forest Foods

  10 Reasons Why RAW Pine Pollen is Safe and Healthy for Everyone 1. Highly nutritious RAW pine pollen contains 200+ beneficial compounds, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, coenzymes and fatty acids. These nutrients are vital for everyone to develop and maintain a healthy body and mind. 2. Excellent source of plant-based protein Pine pollen contains 7-10 times the protein of beef or eggs, making it an exceptional source of plant-based protein. Not only that, but it also has 20 times more iron content than spinach and it’s 20-30 times higher in beta-carotene than carrots. This means just a little RAW pine pollen powder goes a very long way. 3. Balances testosterone One of pine pollen’s most powerful abilities is to balance testosterone. Having low levels of testosterone is the cause of all kinds of medical conditions, from diabetes and a slow metabolism to obesity and heart disease. 4. Improves skin’s appearance Pine pollen contains a sulphuric compound known as methyl